Notes on Screenshake in Game-Development


Here are some ideas about a concept called “Screenshake”. This is is an expert-term for “juicing up” the play-experience, that was introduced or at least made popular by Vlambeer in his talk “The Art of Screenshake”.

My notes on it after finishing an AR-Project for theatre called CLASH:

  • It is super-important to work on screenshake. The second most important thing besides gameplay.
  • Think out your effects and work on the implementation. Implementation might take longer, but it is worth the effort.Don‘t believe the myth, that screenshake is just some makeover in some minutes.
  • Work on every detail. Many details add up towards a great experience
  • Before implementing: Think and imagine it!!



Martin Wisniowski - Nodepond
Martin Wisniowski - Nodepond

Written by Martin Wisniowski - Nodepond

Media-Artist, Game-Designer, Software-Dev with background in Urban Planning. Follow my atomic-newsletter about nerdstuff:

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